After years of reading fantasy novels, time had come for me to start working on my own story. I have always had a way with words and once the text started looking like a book my friends and family pushed me to contacting a publishing company so I could share my story with others. I had an idea for a book but now it seams that it’s not only going to be one book but several…
As the caracters in my book take on their own life and do as they please, I simply have to follow their lead.
Who do I think I am? I am a woman in the middle of my life and live in Norway, close to a small town called Son with my son.
I have done all kinds of work, from assembly-line in a factory to working in a pub and even operating a forklift in a warehouse. I have never been afraid of getting my hands dirty, as a matter of fact, I probably prefer it.
I paint and draw in addition to my writing. And that’s about it… I guess.